Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holidays have been crazy!

This winter season has been hard on us all here at our household. So much has happened in the past few weeks that I do not know how to sum it up in to one short post, so this may be a long one. Earlier this month my twins came down with the flu, and that rocked our world in one direction and the other. Thankfully they are fine. It was passed around the house and back again. The rest of us are fine now too. Christmas was pretty stressful for us all too. Tis the season to spend, spend, spend and with little money to go around Christmas was sparse for us here. So we turned it into a positive and made the focus on family instead of gifts. that was incredibly time consuming and we may as well have bought presents for the children because we ended up spending entirely too much money on food that no one really ate much of *love the leftovers though!*

Thank goodness it is over. I miss my blog, dear bloggy blog.

The twins are now smiling and laughingm almost sitting up by themselves and have started some interesting games. K's favorite game is pretty obnoxious. When I change his diaper he likes to pull his legs up to stop me and smile, then he puts his legs down as soon as I stop trying and this continues for a while. Aaron is a peek-a-boo lover. He doesnt quite get it, but looks around in amazement as soon as the world apeers again.

God I love these kids. I am pretty sure in high school I was voted least likely to have children and most likely to get a boob job. Well I failed both of those. I have three kids of my own and am working on raising my sisters as well. I think I am doing fairly well. I am crazy. I think that comes pretty easily with children. But damnit I love it. I can't wait until things settle down and we can get back into a normal routine.

Well ok, so I guess all the chaos fits pretty well into a single blog post. This is minimal though... The past few weeks where not only filled with the flu, and the holidays, but family fued's, checks that could not be cashed, bad weather, forgotten bills, and to top it all off I lost my phone and pissed my Grandma off by not calling her to thank her for the Christmas gifts she sent.

Alright, well the babies are nodding off to sleep and I might as well catch some too. I promise there is more fun things to come soon. I have a 25$ gift card to give away, and a few good smelling and clean reviews.

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