Sunday, May 26, 2013

*Life update*

After being on hiatus for a few months, I am turning my blog back on. So much has gone on in my life, I don't even know where to begin. Call it soul searching or an early mid life crises. Whatever it is I am ready for my life to settle back down.

Back in December my husband an I decided to separate. I went back to work and downsized to a small duplex with my three children. These past few months have been super tough but have given me the clarity that I was searching for when I did not even know it. Given space and time most wounds will heal. Mine have and I am ready to get back into the swing of life.

I am in the middle of potty training, working, dealing with so many doctors to get D diagnosed with ASD, dealing with family that has issues with that and so many requests for reviews. If you are a blogger, don't leave your email for more than a few days. I left mine untouched for a few months and the chaos I have to weed through it unbearable. I have a few surprises in store for my readers and a few offers for fellow bloggers.

Get ready for the biggest and baddest summer for Mama Says yet :-)

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