Sunday, April 29, 2012

This Week... Will be better!

This week will be better - This has been my mantra all day. I am not ashamed that I need to say I need a VACATION from parenting! I love my children. I love my husband. I love my home, but I just need a dammed break!

This last week was not only chaotic, but tragic. The twins are biting, hitting and kicking nonstop. Try changing a diaper not even two weeks after having surgery and getting kicked in the stomach. Repeatedly. My oldest son broke the oven. I can't bake anything, so our food budget sky-rocketed because everything I have at home I would have to cook in the oven.

Not to mention it has been muggy and warm for the past week. At the end of last summer I prematurely donated my summer clothes that had gotten too snug. Now, I am left with heavy jeans and sweat pants.

All in all, I have been a pretty cranky Mama for a week. I have positives for this week though. I am going to my favorite hot shopping spot - The Bins. Which means I do get a day off. It also means I MUST get all the laundry done before I bring any more home.

I have an appointment, which gets me away from the children for a few hours.

AND! I get to go grocery shopping. I love LOVE LOVE grocery shopping. Don't ask me why. I just do.

What else... It is a new month :-)

It is almost Mother's Day :-)

My Husband is fixing our oven :-)

I may get a little something, something ;-)

We are working on potty training :-)

I am doing laundry, and I love the smell of clean laundry.

That is about it.

Oh... Except I have started doing yoga. It hurts my back, but I love how relaxed it makes me feel.

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